Thursday, 8 January 2015

My Film Opening Ideas #3

 As you can see from my previous blog post about film ideas, I had got the basic idea down - that there will be a girl who finds or is given a book and that this book is powerful and will tell her a lot about her life.

I have developed this further and decided that this book is in fact evil, it tells her true things about her past to give her confidence in the fact the book is real and is telling a real and true story of her life, including both good and bad memories from it. Later in the film she will become attached to this book and it will cause her a lot of distress as well as a glimpse of happiness when it tells her she will end up in music school,  however she soon realises everything negative that she reads is coming true and that she no longer wants to know about her future however what she doesn't know is that the only way to reverse the effects of the book is to destroy it...however if she reads until the end the effects will remain permanent.

Below is a mind map with events labelled in order what will happen in the opening, I have decided to have a monologue coming from the girl about curiosity as I believe this is a strong introduction, as well as something people may question. During this monologue I would like there to be flash-forwards into the later parts of the film that are actually flashbacks of the girls memory as she is narrating her tale, I want these to be in reverse order so that the first thing we see is her destroying the book and the last is her picking up the book - which will somehow flow with the rest of the story.

After this monologue (which I only anticipate to be 17 seconds) I want the scene to cut to a school where the girl has got a bad grade and has been advised to get certain books from the library however as she is in the library looking for books and she somehow comes across it - it is undecided how.

The ending of this opening would be the girl taking the book and beginning to read it - perhaps one of the quick shots from the flashback. 

Below is a mind map for concepts of the book and librarian. The librarian could either be an evil 'substitute' teacher who is actually only there for the purpose of delivering the book to the main character, or she could be completely innocent. I have decided to go with completely innocent as there would be no motive for someone to want to hurt this girl that I would like to add in, the evil is 'curiosity' and the idea is that she is 'curiosity's victim - like the personification of a book. How it got into the girls school is one of the less prominent mysteries.

I also have different ideas for the reveal and realisation that the girl is the character in the book. You can see all of these below, you can see they are mostly based around an object however I have decided to choose the one in the bottom left corner; she realises she has the same object as this character and how they got it was the same - I have now decided that the opening would end on the girl getting this object and piecing it together with the book.

Below you can see many ideas for what the object would be and how it would connect the girl to the book, I have decided to go for a ring that she has put on a chain that was passed down to her in some way.

I've also come up with pieces of bad news happening due to the book and how they would be revealed in the opening monologue. I have decided to go for her boyfriend cheating on her and her parents divorcing - as these are the only real issues that can be reversed whereby things can go back to normal should she destroy the book.

For now, I am happy with my idea however I may decide to change them.

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