Sunday 23 November 2014

Creating Characters

As practise for my film opening I have taken some pictures from google images in order to create three very different characters for a potential movie, you will see the profile i have made for each below including their name, age, ethnicity, relationship status, occupation, personality and biography.

Portrait of a 50-year-old man, portrait
Name: Eric Davy
Age: 57
Ethnicity: New York, American
Relationship Status: Recently Divorced
Occupation: Retired accountant
Personality: Eric is usually calm however when he has reached the end of his tether he has a very big temper. He is generous however is not to be taken advantage of and is not to be taken advantage of, he is a fighter and fights for what he believes in. 
Biography: Eric has recently split up from his 20 year relationship with his wife Sarah, she found out he had gambled and lost a lot of their money during his mid-life crisis, he is heartbroken and his 13 year old daughter now lives with her mother.

Name: Jessica Olive
Ethnicity: Italian/American
Relationship Status: In a relationship with a footballer
Occupation: Model
Personality: Stuck up, diva, gives no one any second chances, she is very rich and her career is the most important thing to her
Biography: Jessica has the perfect life, her parents have funded her way through everything and her rich boyfriend gets her everything she wants, she has never experienced pain and doesn't understand the concept of being aware of others. She was a straight A student but got offered a modelling contract at the age of 16 and decided she had enough of school, and took it.

Name: Benjamin Humphries
Ethnicity: Texan (America)
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: high school student
Personality: Ben is very timid and shy, he is a pushover but is a very big 'mummys boy'
Biography: Ben has been bullied all his life with friends coming and going because of it, he is very alone and his embarrassing mother doesn't help his situation. He is very clever and the other students don't like him for this, his kindness is taken for weakness and his parents have no clue about anything that is going on. Since his baby sister was born his parents haven't payed as much attention to him and he deals with all his problems alone.

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